Saturday, February 21, 2009


It really never ends. I just created a shiny new folder in my computer called "Fall 2009."

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tuesday's rehearsal...

Here it is. Go through and make sure you're comfortable with the new stuff before Friday. :)
Rehearsal 2.17 Part II from Lindsey Harrison Lingerfelt on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I must have this...

While the iPhone took the world by storm and truly reinvented telecommunication and what a "phone" can do, the Palm pre (pronounced 'pree') comes forth with more refined features and a steadier and more widely-applicable operating system with the same bells and whistles as its Apple counterpart. Check out a great article here. Rehersal videos coming soon - it takes the host a while to reset the limit.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Rehearsal 2.13

Rehearsal 2.13 from Lindsey Harrison Lingerfelt on Vimeo. Check out the changes and let me know your thoughts. Check your email.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Best of luck...

to the Concert Band as they go to District Assessment on Thursday!!! I hear they'll be performing at Homewood High at 10:45. Click here for directions, here for the Alabama Bandmaster's Association website, and here for something hilarious (no it isn't a picture of Bookie).

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oak Grove...

Untitled from Lindsey Harrison Lingerfelt on Vimeo.

Have a look and then share your thoughts...

Monday, February 09, 2009

While we wait for the video...

Ashley shared this with me...

Moses, Jesus, and an old bearded man were out playing golf one day. Moses pulled up to the tee and drove a long one. It landed in the fairway but rolled directly toward a water trap. Quickly, Moses raised his club,the water parted and it rolled to the other side safe and sound. Next, Jesus strolls up to the tee and hits a nice long one directly toward the same water trap. It landed directly in the center of the pond and kind of hovered over the water. Jesus casually walked out on the pond and chipped it up onto the green.

The third guy gets up and sort of randomly whacks the ball. It heads out over the fence and into oncoming traffic on a nearby street. It bounces off a truck and hits a nearby tree. From there it bounces onto the roof of a nearby shack and rolls down into the gutter, down the downspout, out onto the fairway and right toward the aforementioned pond. On the way to the pond, it hits a little stone and bounces out over the water and onto a lily pad where it rested quietly.

Suddenly, a very large bullfrog jumped up on the lily pad and snatched the ball into his mouth. Just then, an eagle swooped down and grabbed the frog and flew away. As they passed over the green, the frog squealed with fright and dropped the ball which bounced right into the hole for a beautiful hole-in-one. Moses turned to Jesus and said, "I hate playing with your dad."

Tuesday, February 03, 2009