Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Dallas County Performance...

What to wear - Polo, khaki shorts/capris (i don't care), black jazz shoes (no socks), hair pulled back and secure, make-up same as last week. Pay careful attention to the eye-liner and make sure your lip-stick is an appropriate shade. - This week your call will be the same as the band's. Do not be late. I will have to meet you at Dallas County. Before leaving, make sure all of your equipment is in the barrel thingy and that you have everything you need. - About rehearsals - You are responsible for getting caught up when you miss. Everyone should be show ready for Thursday. If, during warm-up, I see that someone isn't ready, they won't perform. One person's absence can't affect the unit's performance. - Everyone should know that our sectional rehearsals have moved from Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7-9 to Mondays and Thursdays from 7-8:30. Just know, I am a student as well. I sympathize with home work and assignments of the like. However, good judgement and time management must be used. Three hours a week for a competing unit is way below average and extremely do-able. - If, for some reason, you aren't going to be at practice, I must know A.S.A.P. You can email, leave a comment, myspace me, send a telegram, fly a dove, OR you can just call. 1.256.601.9364. This isn't an option. I have to know. - Get ready for another wonderful show. You made me proud last week. Let's shoot for it two weeks in a row! - ~Lindsey Harrison Lingerfelt

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Vincent Performance

all members must leave a comment so i know you've "gotten the memo"

What to wear? Performance Black, black under-something that tucks in capris (razor-back), dark tennis shoes

Hair Natural pony-tail, bangs must be sprayed and secure.

Make-up Come natural and Master Emi will make art on your face!

- no jewelry
- capris must be form fitting
- no show socks only
- your stretch towel
- rifles, small towel
Everyone is responsible for having an equipment bag by Monday. We won't need them this week but I don't think you want to carry around 3 poles and a rifle.
You are more than welcome to stay after school on Friday. Our tentatively set call for this week will be 5pm in the choir room. You don't need come ready. We put our game faces on together. I might even have some treats. :)
I want to thank you all again for great rehearsals today. I think each of you have experienced "the feeling" by now. This happens when all of our minds, our hearts, and our hands are pursuing the same goal...perfection. We will be nothing short of stellar. Psych it up!
~Lindsey Harrison Lingerfelt

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Tuesdays and Thursdays

As printed on the updated schedules I handed out last week, the color guard will rehearse every Tuesday and Thursday from 7pm - 9pm at Union Methodist on 51. These rehearsals are mandatory. Be ready to start at 7, not pulling into the parking lot. A question about missing a performance was asked at the fund-raiser. At no time will any performer be excused or permitted to miss any performance unless extreme unforseeable and unavoidable circumstances arise. Our show is written for 12 people and 12 people we will have. Everyone must have a c.d. or cassette tape or $1 to me by Thursday. As we all know, we rehearse better with music. (no 8-tracks or vinyls please. ask your parents.) ~Lindsey Harrison Lingerfelt

Friday, August 04, 2006

Information Overload

Thank you for a fantastic debut performance last night. You made me happy in my face. Below are upcoming dates and information regarding each. Saturday, August 5 Roadblock at Benson Plaza and the intersection of 47 and 39 8:30am - 1pm Don't forget, WE NEED YOUR PARENTS or some adults to help. Wear something "Chelsea Color Guard-esque." Everyone is responsible for making their own sign and supplying a bucket. Make them bold, bright, and beautiful! If you don't know which one to be at, just pick one. We'll get you in the right place. Monday, August 7 Band Pictures. Arrive, ready to pose, at 9am. For this, you will wear "Performance Black." (defined below) When our uniforms come in, we will schedule a "formal" photo session and we'll forward that picture to the year book staff and other publications of the like. This is just in case.
For this picture...
Performance Black - THE black top, black dance capris (form fitting),
fire-engine red lips, smoky eyes (feathered out, way out), hair half-up/half-down, natural.
Remember that you aren't supposed to look "normal." Theatre/stage/field make-up is way over dramatic. If it didn't look good, we wouldn't do it. You know that.
In closing...
We don't have rehearsal for more than a week. I can't stress to you enough how important it is for you to practice everything we have done. Bring me a tape or cd at the road-block and I'll make you a copy of the show music.
See you tomorrow.
~Lindsey Harrison Lingerfelt